From desk setups to electronics, they define our work flow but also our work ethic
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Originally written 21st March 2021
Think of this as a thought of the day in relation to the newly released Apple MacBook Air for 2020 and its operating system macOS.
I was and am a longtime Windows user, since the early 1990s in fact. But I had also encountered the mac back then and macOS 9 and liked its little quirks and uniqueness. Almost simultaneously, at university I was using Unix and its command line interface. Fast forward to the present day and I have noticed over the years the similarities between Unix and the current version of macOS. So much so that I went ahead late last year and bought a used iMac dating back to late 2013 no less. It is the machine upon which I am also conducting some of the work for this website.
Apple continues to release some interesting hardware. Unfortunately, because of how the world is at the moment, their stores are all closed or else I would make a visit to view their new output for myself. Currently this includes the new iPad pro, its magic keyboard and the MacBook Air.
The latter caught my attention in particular as a compact light weight portable that I wouldn't mind using in my garden on a day with nice weather. And this all comes back to macOS.
Let me make it clear from the outset, this is not a mac versus windows debate. I enjoy using both and each has a certain area in which it may well excel for certain segments of the computing market and a user's workflow. But having used macOS more and more during the past six months has left me with the impression it just feels more stable, mature and 'clean'. What do I mean by clean? I would describe it as an appearance that is pleasing to the eye with a use of colour and fonts that complement a more complete user interface and therefore user experience. The stability is probably down to how Apple controls the hardware configurations it sells thus ensuring macOS is optimised on each machine from the beginning.
Windows 10 has and continues to make great strides too and I am looking forward to how the rumoured Windows 10X will fare when it released later in the year. At the moment though, I find myself leaning more towards macOS. Alas, I do not have an Apple laptop yet, but if I did, then I would be sitting in the garden on a nice sunny day, like it is today, and continuing to tend to this website.
Take care and stay safe.